
Connie’s general research interests include bridging the gaps between mechanistic modeling, spatial statistics, and constrained optimization. She is particularly… and then that’s where her website cuts off. (Connie if you see this, I think your page is down.)

Connie is a board game player extraordinaire. She has a backpack that can hold upwards of 30 games in organized little pockets or drawers. She also plays Bells for a bell choir called Bells of the Sound and here’s her bio from their website:

Connie grew up in NY, and first began ringing with the Katonah Presbyterian Church in 2008. After graduating from Harvey Mudd College with a degree in math, she moved to Seattle to study Quantitative Ecology at UW. In her free time she enjoys cooking, hiking, rock climbing, and playing lots of board games. She’s thrilled to be living in Seattle and just hopes all her other college friends come to their senses soon and move here too.

